Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Genesis 18-19;21 Lot vs. Abraham and their posterity: A perspective in Residual Effects

Starting in Genesis 13:8-11 look at the direction that Lot takes. Notice in verse 12 his tent is pitched toward sodom and in Gen. 14:12 just one chapter later he "dwelt" in sodom. Then he goes down a road in which his family is removed from sodom, but there are major residual effects on his posterity. Lot might have been o.k. and delivered, but he lost his wife and his two daughters carried with them some pretty crazy sexual ideas that they picked up in sodom.

Now by contrast look at Abrahams journey in the "wilderness". Making and keeping covenants all along. In the end his posterity love their covenants...including Ishmael. Ishmael was kicked out of Abraham's camp with his mother Haggar, but he and his posterity become a great people of the Lord and desire down to this day the covenants of their fathers.

Bottomeline...our choices will have a major residual effect on our children. If we keep our tents facing the temple/mountain while we seem to be surrounded with worldliness and sin our families will be preserved and blessed.

Genesis 12 – 18; 20-22 Abraham

Who is Abraham? WE ARE!!!!
What is his background? He seems to come from a dysfunctional family.
Abraham 1:2 He wants the blessings of the fathers A E N A M Je Jo. He wants to be a prince of peace (like JESUS). He wants ordinances and the RIGHT to administer them to others. So what blessings do we inherit from fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

I like the Abrahamic covenant from the Old Testament DVD. Keep stopping and asking: Did you see Abraham until the students figure out that it is us. Our table is full. So what are we going to do with it. Remember the story is only an analogy.

If the students leave the class without an understanding that they are to administer to others and an idea about how they need to do that the whole point has been missed.

See Abraham’s Quest overview insert in Genesis 12 ---- This seems to go along perfectly with the talk the law of increasing returns by Henry B. Eyring BYU Devotionals 28 March 1982

Start by teaching about the Faith and Hope. Have students write their own definitions. Then teach them about the Orange Peel.

Faith is what we know is true. Hope is what we want to be true.
The circle of hope is always a little bit bigger than our circle of faith.

What are some things the students have experienced that has helped their faith to grow. Remember Alma 58:11 Faith is granted unto us. So what blessings have come from God that have granted faith unto you. It is when we remember the faith we have that we have courage to move into the “orange peel” zone (hope) and it is then that God grants unto us the faith we need to continue “faithful”. Hope things I want to change, but don’t know if I can. Faith – things I have changed and am grateful to the Lord for helping me.

Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel.

Major events that precede the tower being built are: The translation of the city of Enoch, the flood, the dividing of the continents. The people have very legitimate reasons to be concerned about being scattered.

The idea of building a city and placing a tower in the middle of it that will get us to heaven is not a strange idea. From Joseph smith down to today we have been doing the same thing. We build cities and build our temple in them. The purpose of our temples is to get us to heaven. However, there was something that adam, enoch and noah understood that these people did not. They understood that Salvation is in the alter, not in the tower. When one puts their faith in the tower alone and does not recognized that salvation comes in the ordinances that take place at the alter they have no salvation. Having a temple in our midst will not save us unless we understand that we need to get to the alter.

The people were completely trusting in themselves and not in the Lord. So the lord confounds their language. Who is left that can understand them. God. Story of first three days of my mission and turning to the Lord.

There is one group of people that were not confounded. They kept themselves from being confounded by remembering the Lord (alter). However, why is it that the people keep asking Mohonri-moriacumer to keep praying for them.

Genesis 6-10 - The Flood

Pay attention to the words and the numbers in the story. Remember the dove is a representation of the Savior. The raven is a symbol for satan. The second time the dove returns he brings an olive leaf – a symbol of the atonement. They don’t get off the ark until the dove hovers over the earth. Immediately after leaving the ark they offer sacrifice.

The Pitch is a Hebraic expression for atonement. They are to pitch the ark within and without to keep them safe.

They take seven animals into the ark. Remember what the Lord has them do immediately after getting off the ark. He tells them to offer sacrifice. That would suck if they only had two lambs with them and the just killed one of them. 7 is the Hebrew number meaning complete or whole.
40 is a number that means “a period of preparation.

They didn’t get off the ark even when they could see land.

In the creation the waters were divided and a firmament was placed in between the water in the air and the waters beneath. This created an environment that would sustain life. Notice that in the flood God brings the waters from above and the waters from beneath and destroys life. It is clear that the earth is now being re-created. A perfect symbol for our re-creation.